Today is the day. Our boy is officially one and a half. A full fledged toddler, you might say! Some days I feel like he is still a little baby, but most of the time I feel more like he is a 6 year old trapped in a one year old's body. His speech, memory, independence, humour and grown up looks (I think it's the bum chin) blow my mind everyday. Here are a few things I want to remember about Caleb at 18 months:
Weaning: We've successfully transitioned to one feed a day. First thing in the morning and that is it. This has been great for our night routine, because it is no longer just me who can put him to bed. Alan is now putting him to sleep 90% of the time, which means I get to relax, read, and enjoy a bit of extra free time in the evenings. Alan loves it, too, and it is great to hear him calling out for 'dada' if he has trouble falling asleep....ole mama is off the hook!
Sleeping: After many ups and downs, and likely more to come, Cale is sleeping once again from 7-5 am. We abandoned the bed and he is back in the crib. We spun it around so the lower side is now against the wall, so once again he is safely contained, at least for another few months, anyway. At 5 he comes into bed with us, nurses and sleeps until 6:30 or 7. We have often thought and talked about dropping this bedtime cuddle, but it seems each morning at 5 am, it is so much easier just to bring him in with us instead of listening to him cry himself back to sleep.
Talking: He is a real talker now and it is amazing. Our days are like a game of show and tell. Point and say the word, then point to something else. In the car it is 'bus, bike, tree, car, truck, dog....' at home it is 'juice, cup, monkey, book, phone, guitar, apple sauce....'. But the most amazing thing is his colors - he'll get yellow, red, blue and orange consistently correct. Green has him stumped.
Potty training: He loves the word potty and knows what it means, but we've only had the one successful attempt.
Favorite past times: climbing stairs, singing, playing in dada's new truck, swimming in lakes, watching dad mow the lawn, reading, playing in puddles, coloring and hopping on pop
Favorite toys: firetruck, balls, hockey stick, rocks, vacuum