We are almost ready to say good-bye to Duncans Cove. We had a great visit with Grammie J and Aunt Teresa over the weekend. Bonfires, shooting stars, great home cookin', and a wildlife extravaganza. In a 20 minute span we saw seals, breaching porpoises and an osprey fly by with a fish in it's talons! They helped with chores and kept Caleb entertained while we packed, purged and cleaned. Caleb is noticing the changes. He will look into a room and say 'bed gone?' or 'books all gone.' He doesn't seem to mind, but I know he will be very happy to see all his old things unpacked in our new space.
Caleb's other major change is daycare - this week he started full time and next week he'll be transitioning into the toddler class. I admit my first reaction when I got the call was to burst into tears. I couldn't help it! Even though he has been going part time for months, this seemed like a huge change and suddenly a lot less time with my little boy. I feel incredibly lucky to have had 19 months with him and thankfully, he loves his daycare, so I know the transition will go well. His favorite little friend, Hadley, will be moving to the new class with him so he will be happy about that.
I did feel better this morning when I dropped him off and realized that it was 'music class' day, which, being on Mondays, he has never been able to attend. He apparently loved it (his music teacher says he has music in him!) and I felt assured that he is going to have days full of fun, learning and adventure - although I may keep him home once in awhile just to get some extra time with him. Playing hooky from daycare is ok, isn't it??
Caleb was also given his 'report card' today! An update on his skill development over the past few months. I'm proud to say he is doing excellent in all departments - motor skills, language, sensory, social skills - I almost feel like I should get a 'my child is an honours student at Wee Care Developemental Centre' bumper sticker! I'm so happy he has such great teachers and that we found such a great place for him.
In other news, Tyvonn and I went to Brad Marchand's Stanley Cup parade today. There were several thousand Bruins fans gathered downtown, and somehow Ty and I ended up in a special area with mostly media and family so Tyvonn ended up being one of about 5 people who were able to touch the cup. It was a big day for all of us. Now back to the packing!