Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Inside the mind of a two year old

We had a wonderful taste of Spring last week that now seems like a distant memory. I had to return early from a workshop in Cape Breton last night due to a winter storm warning and only days ago Caleb was in a swimming pool, OUTSIDE, with his friends at daycare! Unreal. Thankfully, Grammy Jeffries made the trip from Fredericton to help with Caleb for a few days while I was at my workshop and Alan was wrapping up a tour in Ontario. It was so nice to have some quality family time and Caleb couldn't have been happier to have a house guest.

I wanted to share a few incredible quotes that Caleb has come up with over the past few weeks. He is really making us laugh a lot these days with his imaginative expressions.

One having to go to bed while it was still light out following the time change:
"But mommy, it is still a little bit morning!"

After dropping and breaking a toy:
"It's not a big deal, it's just a small deal"

Watching me pour milk into his morning cereal:
"Milk in my cereal?!? That's craaaazy!"

Another beakfast conversation:
Me: "Caleb can I have one of your grapes?"
Caleb: "No, sorry mommy, these are for my children." (No idea where this one came from!)

Practicing his 'angry' face!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

World's easiest craft

Mom, Dad and Cowboy Caleb

Thanks to Pinterest, I discovered this amazing site Made By Joel , which is filled with tons of great ideas on how to make toys and crafts using simple household items. He is basically the MacGyver of arts and craft projects. I stayed up way too late last night reading about ways to reuse toilet paper rolls and cereal boxes! This morning I couldn't wait to make these little cardboard dolls. It literally took me 2 minutes and Caleb played with them on and off all day.

All you need is some cardboard, a marker and a paper clip. I also used stickers for some, just to spice things up a bit! I can see bringing these to a restaurant or doctor's office sometime when I need a compact toy that will keep Caleb's interest for a while.

Simply bend the paper clip, slip it inside the cardboard and let the fun begin!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Greggy's gifts

We are so lucky that my dad, Greg(gy), has made many thoughtful, homemade gifts for Cale. They are so wonderful I had to share them with you! Thanks, dad!

On Cale's bedroom door

Coat rack - Christmas gift. Original design!

Tooth-brushing stool

A new addition to Caleb's room - Beatles mobile!

Caleb's craft table

Milk crate stools - perfect for craft storage!

La piece de resistance - pez clock!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

On the road

Shelburne Waterfront

Last weekend Alan and David had a show at the Osprey Theatre in Shelburne. Since the guys rarely play shows that are close to home, Nina, Cale and I decided to hit the road with the band for a night! We had a blast - restaurants, hotels, beach adventures and Cale stayed up late enough to see the first set of the show. He sat perfectly still in my lap, clapped enthusiastically after each song and then fell asleep in my arms. I know touring and being away isn't always easy for Alan, so it was great to make this trip a family affair. It made me really excited to take Cale to some festivals this summer.

Owl eyes

One of the many reasons why I love southwest Nova Scotia - the chance to stroll along white, sandy beaches and find amazing sand dollars. And, we were the only ones there.

In other travel news, I mentioned Jamaica in a earlier post. Well, I signed the papers to spend 4 months studying coastal erosion and raising awareness on the impacts of climate change to coastal communities in Negril, Jamaica. I am very fortunate to be a 2012 recipient of the Robin Rigby Trust, which will allow me to travel to Negril and partner with a local NGO - CARIBSAVE, the Jamaican Dept of Tourism, Dept of Environment, the University of West Indies and Waterloo University. I'll be leaving in September with my trusty sidekick, Caleb, by my side. Alan will be busy touring out West for much of next Fall, but he will be able to spend the month of December with us. My parents are coming for September and I'm hoping other friends and family will help with childcare during the rest of the trip. Consider it - spend time exploring the beautiful coasts of Jamaica AND share the experience with a wonderful little guy! Seriously, consider it!!