Monday, June 24, 2013

First crush

Well, hello there!
This past weekend, Caleb fell in love. She was a bandana-wearing, gypsy accordion  player, and she stole Caleb's heart at a music festival. Cale had been looking forward all week to our trip to the Full Circle Festival in the Annapolis Valley. He packed his bag full of instruments (uke, guitar, microphone) and was feeling ready to dance and play along to the live bands. He didn't know what to think when Kate and Rich hit the stage (they are described as a jazzy blend of American folk and Balkan classics). He had never seen an accordion in action before, and he stood completely still, absolutely transfixed, for the first 5 songs. Then he decided it was time to dance. As he stared up at Kate longingly, he let loose - dancing and playing for the rest of the set. At one point the band even gave him a 'ukelele solo'! When the show was over, he was the first one in line to talk to her. When she stayed for his dad's set, and started dancing, Cale was overjoyed. He kept talking to her, pointing up to his dad on stage, and closely following her every single dance move. It was quite hilarious and, thankfully, she was a good sport and didn't seem to mind the young boy who had suddenly latched onto her side!

My favorite quote from Cale this weekend was after he asked what a sign said on a roped off area for musicians - I said 'It says Musicians Only'. With an apologetic look on his face, he glanced up at me and said, 'Sorry mom, it's for only me and dad!' Because obviously our 3 year old son is a musician!

Front row centre, for dad's show
Last weekend was just as great. Greg and Linda came for three whole sleepovers, Tyvonn came for one sleepover, AND we spent one day at the Shubie Wildlife Park. Such an amazing day trip near Stewiacke - highly recommended!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gardens and Oceans

Green thumb
We are making GREAT progress on our yard and garden. It has been so nice to move into a house that literally needed no repairs, so we've been able to put lots of our time and energy into making our yard a wonderful space to play, relax and grow our own food. I have never had a garden before, so this is all new to me and since the first day we moved in, I've had my seeds ready to plant. I have garden fever - I've seriously been itching to get out there and start making things grow! However, the very first thing I'm learning about gardening is that you need to be patient. But now, finally, the soil has warmed up, the risk of frost is gone and we just finished constructing our two 6x6 ft raised beds. Tomorrow we finally plant - cucumbers, tomatos, potatoes, peas, beans, carrots, lettuce and spinach!

I think Cale has caught of touch of the garden fever as well. We've been talking a lot about where food comes from and what we'll plant this year. I told him we could grow anything he wants to put into his salads - without hesitation he said 'Let's grow croutons!'....I guess we still have lots of learning to do!
We spray painted an old garbage can to make a nice rain barrel!
This week is World Oceans Week, and the marine team at my work have so many great activities planned that I decided I should get in on the fun. And, what better way to celebrate Oceans Week than by bringing a giant blue shark into Caleb's daycare!? Yes, I had a colleague dress up in a shark costume and visit Caleb's class. His teachers did a great job of planning activities for Earth Day (which has led to Cale's recent obsession of pointing out and picking up garbage), that I knew they'd be up for the fun. It was a huge success. The kids were so adorable and Cale is now so proud that his mom has a friend who is a 'real shark'. And, to make oceans week even better, I saw my very first wild otter last night  splashing in the water in front of our house. Amazing.

Cale hugging Hector the Blue Shark