We had a wonderful vacation last week, but being nearly 37 weeks pregnant, I am moving in slow motion theses days and am only getting around to writing about our adventures now. We kicked off our vacation at the Kempt Shore music festival where I slept in a tent for the last time during this pregnancy and made Alan promise that next year we would travel in a trailer (true bluegrass style). The music was great, Caleb surprised me by remembering Valdy lyrics 4 days later and even though I didn't get much sleep it was a really fun time.

Next up was a visit from the Spragues. Adam, Ang, Aly, Ava, Greg and Linda all made it to Annapolis Royal. The kids spent a day at Upper Clements Park, which I was incredibly impressed by. I drive past the park and old wooden roller coaster everyday on my way to work and I have been imagining it as an run down ghost town. But not so! It is incredibly well maintained with lots of tourists and a great selection of rides. Caleb thought he should go on the roller coaster for his very first ride and I'm afraid the little guy had no idea what he was getting into. Alan said he was completely silent and didn't budge during the rickety ride, and afterwards as he climbed off in a stunned state he let one single tear roll down his cheek before saying he wasn't going to do that again! He stuck with the 'kiddie' rides from then on and had a fantastic time.

We then headed to White Point Beach Resort on the South Shore and spent 2 days enjoying the beach, pools, bunnies, bonfires, amazing buffets and everything else the resort had to offer. Taking a family vacation with all of us was on my mom's bucket list and I'm so glad that we were able to make it happen. Thanks, Lin!!
From there Alan, Caleb and I trekked on to our house in Bayside where we hosted a 'Good Vibes bonfire' and even conducted a smudging ceremony to put some positive energy back into the home we love so much. And I think it worked! We can't wait to get a new tenant in there starting in Sept and begin a new chapter as landlords!
And we weren't done from there. Next stop was Truro for a bluegrass festival and a celebration with the Jeffries side of the family for cousin Jack's 1st birthday party! More music (but no tenting!), reconnecting with great friends, dancing, sprinklers and sunshine made for a wonderful weekend. A bluegrass fan asked Caleb if he would be a guitar player when he grew up and he responded very seriously by saying 'No, actually I am going to be an astronaut!'.
The theme for Jack's birthday was 'A Teddy Bears Picnic' and Anne Murray definitely won over a new fan. Caleb fell in love with the song which he told me 'is just singing in his head all day long'. See the results in the video below!!