Hello dear family and friends!
We've decided to resurrect the family blog to capture a glimpse of our life during the Covid-19 outbreak which has drastically changed our life and millions of lives around the world. With the spread of the novel virus, schools and businesses have been cancelled and people are being asked to stay at home and self-isolate. Alan's tours, along with all public events have also been cancelled, so the four of us have been home for the past 13 days. But we are surviving and trying to make the best of this very unusual time.
Thankfully, we have lots of outdoor space at home with beautiful ocean hikes nearby, so we've been outside as much as we can. I'm still working full time from home, so my work day hasn't changed too much, besides a few extra cuddle breaks and family meals. Alan is helping the kids with different projects to keep them busy, along with lots of reading, writing, crafts and board games. Odin now knows over 100 words on his sight reading list and Caleb is self learning computer programming. The boys are getting along very well and can spend hours playing together. It's been wonderful to see.
They are both currently obsessed with Star Wars, Odin especially, so much of their time is spent in 'Jedi Training' where they battle on the front yard with their light sabers, practicing moves and playing out different scenes to take on the dark side.
Overall, we are trying to stay positive. There is so much to be grateful for right now - we'll be able to pay our bills, we are healthy and so is our family, we have lots of food and things to keep us busy. I've noticed a big difference in my mindset about how to enjoy being in the moment, and how having literally no outside plans has allowed us to really take out time on hikes or while playing games. We have no schedule except our own, which feels like such a switch from how life usually is. So we are trying to enjoy it and make the best of it, but there is still a lot of uncertainty about what the future will bring and when life will return to some level of normalcy. I hope that the kids look back on this time as a really special period with their family.
So! I've been taking lots of pictures and I wanted to share them with you! I'll try to update more regularly as it is a nice way to be 'social' and keep in touch with our loved ones who we may not see for awhile. Take care, stay safe and we miss you all!!
Caleb and I did a 6.5 km hike from Polly's Cove to Peggy's Cove. It was beautiful and we did lots of trailblazing to find our way. Caleb said it was in the top 10 best days of his life! We even saw an otter who slid his way down the rocks and into the ocean right in front of us! |
Odin after learning how to climb a tree, then falling out! He's ok, don't worry! |
Jedi Training in action |
A boy and his lightsaber |
Nothing like a game of backgammon in the sun to start your day! |
I'll get Caleb to do a video about this Arduino project he did with Alan. They built a cardboard run way, then Caleb hooked up LED lights and coded them to fade from green to red in order down the runway. It's incredibly impressive and I truly don't understand it, but it Worked, and Caleb was incredibly impressed. Now we are working on a cardboard airport and Caleb said he'll look after all of the electronics! |
Inside look at the runway with wires and breadboard! I'm amazed that he can do this. |