Friday, April 30, 2010

Three Months!

Cale enjoying a seaside swing while mom picks some flowers

Wow, it is hard to believe that Caleb had his three month birthday yesterday! In some ways it feels like he's been part of the family forever and in other ways I can't believe he is no longer a newborn. I went in town for a girls night with Amy and Lydia last night and Alan stayed home with the boys. I called before coming home around 10 to see how things were going, and Alan said that Caleb had been peacefully sleeping for hours. They must have some sort of pact going because Alan seems to get the absolute easiest nights when he is on duty!


Uncle John Booker said...

... What a thoughtful little boy. Letting his father get his sleep...

That is so funny - maybe someday mom will be able to rest too...


Uncle John Booker said...

... what a thoughtful little boy, letting his dad get his sleep too...

That is so funny. Maybe some day mom will get her rest as well.