After several beautiful days of sunshine, we woke up this morning to rain, strong winds and big waves. We even lost power for a few hours, which is a first since we've been living in the Cove. Grammie Jeffries found a great link to a webcam at the Chebucto Head Lighthouse where we live. There isn't any fog today so you should be able to get a good look at the size of the waves by clicking here.
Alan headed off this morning for shows in Ottawa and Manitoba, so Cale and I had to brace the storm in order to take Arlo for a walk. We came back soaking wet and I decided the best remedy would be to start a nice fire and take a warm bath. I'm happy to say that we'll be back in the sweet sunshine soon enough - we just booked tickets to Barbados in December for Lydia and Nick's wedding! And my parents are also coming so the babysitters are on board!! Can't wait for a getaway with family and friends.
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