Wednesday, December 28, 2011
So this is Christmas
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas cheers
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Watching Caleb grow has become one of the biggest pleasures of my entire life. Each day I'm blown away by how much more he understands and says. For awhile, talking with him was like a continuous game of 'I Spy' - we would point and say the name of everything we saw. Now he's moved beyond just the basic nouns and we are actually having conversations. He uses full sentences and understands concepts like next, other, I, later, tomorrow, hurry...which leads to Caleb's quote of the week 'Mom, I need a Kleenex QUICK!'. It is also quite hilarious when he uses words and sayings that he hears Alan and I say, like his new favorite 'what's happening?' or when he calls out to Alan 'Come here, honey! (or usually just hon), since he also loves to abbreviate - Linda is now Lin, Nina is Neen and the other night he picked up the telephone to call Santa Claus and said 'Hi San!!
He is also learning how to manipulate us, especially at bedtime. When he is all tucked in and the lights are off, he will inevitably pull out ‘Caleb need potty, mom! Pajamas off, diaper off!’ or ‘I need some water’, or if he is really desperate not to go to sleep he’ll try to trick us into thinking it is morning by saying ‘breakfast time’ or ‘not dark out anymore’. You’ll have to do better than that, Caleb!!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Spirit
This year we are taking Christmas by storm. It seems that once you have a child who is old enough to know who Santa Claus is, you need to fully embrace the holiday season and that is what we have done this year. I've been getting craft inspiration from Pinterest ( - visit this site if you haven't already) and whipping up Christmas decorations and gifts. Caleb has learned tons of Christmas songs at school so we are constantly singing carols, and several times a day he will call out 'Happy New Year', 'Merry Christmas' and his favourite by far - 'Happy Birthday' ! And I must say, it feels quite nice to be told it's your birthday every single day!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Pedal car restoration

Monday, November 21, 2011
Saying 'I love you'
Caleb's new words of the week are 'I love you'. It is incredibly heartwarming to hear 'I love you, mom.' coming out of his mouth. He'll say it as he runs past (as he no longer walks), he'll say it in the car, he'll sing it in a song, and last night at dinner it became a full on lovefest. Cale was saying, 'I love you, dad....I love you, mom' on repeat. Alan and I were smiling at each other, feeling content in the moment and lucky to have such a sweet little boy. The moment quickly lost some of it's sentimental value, however, when Caleb said with complete sincerity, 'I love you, spoon.' Followed by 'I love you, fork. I loooove you, pillow.' I guess love is a bit of a difficult concept for a one year old, but I'm still happy to be at least as important to him as his precious cutlery.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Early mornings
I seem to remember a time when setting the clocks back in the Fall meant an extra hour of sleep. These days it means that we've somehow lost an hour and have been waking up ridiculously early for the past couple of days. I'm talking in the 4 am hour. Today we made it until 5:30, which somehow seemed like a much more reasonable time to wake up. We got off to a good start when Caleb asked for a bowl of cereal and I said yes, he then patted me on the back and said 'good mom'! I laughed out loud and actually did feel like quite a good mom indeed!
Overall things are improving on the sleep front. He's adjusted to being in a bed instead of a crib and Alan's magic fingers are able to get him to sleep quite easily most nights. He still wakes up once in the night, but most times he'll fall back asleep after we pat him for a few minutes. Not all the time, but most of the time. We have also made progress on the weaning front. I've only nursed him 3 times this week. The first few days were a bit of a battle, but this morning he didn't make any indication of wanting to nurse, so I'm starting to have hope that he may actually be weaned before he is 7!!!
I discovered a great parenting tip this week. You can easily remove crayon markings on the wall with toothpaste! Who knew?!! I'm beginning to realize that for all the amazing, wonderful things a child learns, the parent is always learning something new, too.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Quotes of the week
I'm not quite sure where this one came from, but Caleb no longer uses the word no. Instead he opts for 'no way', in a drawn out sing-songy voice. No waaaay. All the time. Want to read a book? No waaay! Want to put on your slippers? No waaay! Ready for your bath? No waaay! Do you like your supper? No waaay!
The other new words he is experimenting? 'I need'. This really came out yesterday when he repeatedly said 'I need a pretzel.' Not I want, or I'd like...I NEED. First words this morning - ' I NEED a pretzel' We even sang a song about pretzels for about half an hour at 8 am. Thankfully the bag of pretzels is now gone, but I think in the future, Alan and I need to be a bit more sneaky with our snacks!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sick days
Non stop runny nose.
Not sleeping well.
Not eating much.
The usual symptoms of a baby in need of some TLC, which Alan and I are more than happy to provide. The trouble is it is Wednesday and we both need to work! Deadlines are approaching and I'm sitting on the floor building lego castles instead of writing grant applications while Alan is working a day and night shift. Phewph...
Yesterday was what I would consider a fun sick day. Cousin Malcolm came over for a visit yesterday and Alan had a practice scheduled at the house, so both boys got to hear and join in on the jam. Today, is a bit more of a struggle, but we'll make it work. Thankfully I've found a coworker at work to watch Cale while I give a presentation at DAL this afternoon, and I'm hoping for a long nap so I can get a few hours of work in. It will probably be a late night for me, but this is the life of a working mom. You need to roll with the punches, put your child's needs first and enjoy this 'bonus' day together. Try to sneak in some productive time when you can but remember that everything that needs to get done will get done.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Cake budha
I finally figured out a mystery that has been boggling me for a couple of months. Caleb speaks very clearly, so when he started saying 'cake budha', I was not sure what he was trying to say. He would pull out the 'cake budha' once in awhile, but it didn't seem to make any sense until one day last week when we he was growing impatient in the backseat while I was driving. To distract him, I handed him a jar of coins and told him to shake them. He immediately started singing 'cake budha...cake budha' and it hit me - cake was shake and budha was booty. Oh yes, he has been saying 'shake your booty' all this time! Where did he learn this? I don't know. But I'm 99.9 percent sure that he's been shaking his booty all this time.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Giving thanks
This year I'm very thankful for my wonderful family. Even though we are on our own here in Halifax, I feel like we have an amazing amount of support. Cale has been lucky to have so much time with his grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles. I love hearing him randomly say things like - 'What's Tommy doing?'... 'Hug Angela'... 'Grampie bike' (for every motorcycle)...or 'call Greggy Linda' when we are getting ready for one of our many skype calls. Knowing how much he loves his family makes me very happy.
I'm thankful for our many close friends. We feel much more connected to Halifax since we've moved closer to town and I love being able to have friends over for dinner or to have Lydia randomly stop by for tea. Time with friends is good for the soul.
I'm incredibly grateful for my wonderful son (I still get a kick out of saying I have a son). Watching him grow from a baby into an active and inquisitive toddler is the pride and joy of my life. Most days I am amazed by all that he knows, but I love the moments when he tries to pick up a picture of a hammer out of a book, or sits on a tiny lego wagon expecting it to be able to hold him, and I remember that he still has so much still to learn.
I'm also very thankful for Alan and how he is always there for me, even in the wee hours of the night. I'm also so happy that Alan is doing what he loves with his life, and I thought my niece Ava said it best when we were watching Alan play this weekend and she said, 'Caleb is so lucky that his dad is a rockstar.' I couldn't agree more. and on top of that, he comes up with great family fun adventures, like today when we walked to the bus stop and rode 3 stops for Caleb's first ever bus ride.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Musical interlude
Back at home, the two of us have had a very low key weekend. The pouring rain kept us inside so I had to pull out all the arts, crafts, toys and games I could think of. We built lego houses and wagons, painted egg carton caterpillars, made playdough animals, played in a blanket fort, had spontaneous dance parties and topped off this afternoon with a 3 hour nap. Now it is time to clean up, have a bath and say 'good night sun'.