This year we are taking Christmas by storm. It seems that once you have a child who is old enough to know who Santa Claus is, you need to fully embrace the holiday season and that is what we have done this year. I've been getting craft inspiration from Pinterest ( - visit this site if you haven't already) and whipping up Christmas decorations and gifts. Caleb has learned tons of Christmas songs at school so we are constantly singing carols, and several times a day he will call out 'Happy New Year', 'Merry Christmas' and his favourite by far - 'Happy Birthday' ! And I must say, it feels quite nice to be told it's your birthday every single day!
We topped off our Christmas cheer today by bringing home our very first Christmas tree. My work is selling organic trees and wreaths and since I've been helping out with the campaign, they gave me a little one to take home. Since Alan will be spending Christmas on tour in Australia (amazing), we are going to have our own family Christmas on the 23rd before he goes. Caleb won't know what hit him when he gets not one, but two Christmas celebrations. Three if you count both the Sprague and Jeffries family Christmases in Fredericton. We've got another 3 weeks of celebrating to do before the big day, and we are soaking up every minute of the holiday fun!
LOVE the homemade snow globes! I will be checking out this site!!
Thanks, Kathy! They are ridiculously easy to make and Caleb loooves them. On pinterest check out the DIY/Crafts'll become addicted!
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