Friday, March 11, 2011

Wee Care

So proud in his new adarondack chair (a gift from Grammie and Grammpie J!)

I'm happy to report that Cale was finally accepted into a daycare! We've been on a waiting list since 4 months before he was born and a spot just opened up fo us now. Crazy. He'll be starting on March 29th at the Wee Care Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This should make work schedules a lot easier for Alan and I. We went in to meet his teachers and it seems like a great place. The teachers told me they are a 'sensory based' daycare, so I'll need to bring lots of extra clothes because he'll be getting dirty. They even let them play in a pool filled with jello from time to time! Sounds like tons of fun to me! I can hardly believe that soon he'll be coming home from daycare with artwork to hang on the fridge!


John Booker said...

Great news about Caleb getting a daycare space. So important for Caleb to interact and socialize with other youngsters in a structured environment. Good to know that the three of you are settling in a daily/weekly routine in your home province of NS. Should make things easier for all of you.

Anonymous said...

The days are long, but the years are short, enjoy every minute.