Our morning started at 6:00. Caleb still comes in to bed with us when he wakes up at 6, and we cuddle for awhile until I feel ready to start my day. Alan had to work early today, so we ended up having a nice family pancake breakfast at 6:15. I still can't quite believe that this is my new schedule. Even though Caleb is still at home with us 5 days a week, something feels special about a weekend morning. More relaxed, no pressure to check emails, no calls to make...just time to sit on the floor and play.
This morning we built and knocked over several towers, each one taller than the last. We raced cars, sang songs, played with our hockey sticks and then headed outside for a leisurely walk. We found lots of puddles to throw rocks and splash in, smelled flowers, threw sticks, saw a rabbit AND a fox and were home in time for a snack and nap at 11. And now, both rested and happy, we are ready to do it all again this afternoon.
Lovely Ashley. I sure believe "The days are long but the years are short." I can hardly remember those days on Linden Crescent with you, except all the strangers' comments about how cute you were!
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