Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's no myth

Sick little guy being comforted by Grammie at our family brunch

I had been warned by several people that once your child starts daycare they are constantly sick. I didn't really believe them, but now I know that it's no myth. Caleb is finally recovering after a week-long illness. He has been vomiting since being sent home from daycare last Thursday, unable to keep any food down. A few nights he woke up at 3 am asking for 'crackers' 'cheese' and 'pastas' but as soon as the food entered his mouth he would be sick. I am sure I set a new mommy record for both the number of times being directly puked on AND the most laundry loads done in a 48 hour period. I honestly got to a point where it didn't even make me blink. The most concerning thing about this particular bought of illness is that he seemed to be in a lot of pain when he peed. Not good at all. After two trips to the doctor's office we were told to collect a pee sample. This is much easier said than done. While I was at a conference, Alan spent 5 hours chasing a bare-bummed little boy around the house with a tiny bottle! He had no success until after 5 pm when it was too late to take the sample to the IWK lab. So this morning, my parents who are here visiting, were chasing a bare-bummed little boy around the house hoping to collect the precious sample! Finally Alan stuck him in a warm bath and we had our sample in less than 30 seconds!! Thankfully the results were clear, so it must have been just a bad flu virus. Now he is down to just a runny nose which I can handle and he seems good enough to return to daycare tomorrow.

Starting to come around with Grampie

We were really hoping that he would be in top shape this weekend because we were in Fredericton for John and Maureen's 40th wedding anniversary and the entire family was in town to celebrate. Several of Alan's family hadn't seen Caleb since last summer, so we wanted everyone to see his great personality, but alas, everyone met a sick little man instead. He did try to be in good spirits, and glimpses of his happy self did pop through at times, although he did throw up on a second cousin at our family brunch. It was the first time that all 4 of the Jeffries cousins were together and Caleb enjoyed their company as much as he could. He also managed to get in a few nice hugs and kisses to his many aunts and uncles. I just hope that we left only good memories behind, and not a trail of sick family members!

Cale, Lauren, Monica and Malcolm together at last!


Anonymous said...

only good memories for me. I am glad that he is feeling better. It's hard to see such a sick little man.

Lydia said...

Sounds like a rough time Ash! I'm glad he's feeling better.

Angie Deveau said...

So sorry to hear about Caleb's sick woes! Scary!!!