Wednesday, December 28, 2011
So this is Christmas
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas cheers
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Watching Caleb grow has become one of the biggest pleasures of my entire life. Each day I'm blown away by how much more he understands and says. For awhile, talking with him was like a continuous game of 'I Spy' - we would point and say the name of everything we saw. Now he's moved beyond just the basic nouns and we are actually having conversations. He uses full sentences and understands concepts like next, other, I, later, tomorrow, hurry...which leads to Caleb's quote of the week 'Mom, I need a Kleenex QUICK!'. It is also quite hilarious when he uses words and sayings that he hears Alan and I say, like his new favorite 'what's happening?' or when he calls out to Alan 'Come here, honey! (or usually just hon), since he also loves to abbreviate - Linda is now Lin, Nina is Neen and the other night he picked up the telephone to call Santa Claus and said 'Hi San!!
He is also learning how to manipulate us, especially at bedtime. When he is all tucked in and the lights are off, he will inevitably pull out ‘Caleb need potty, mom! Pajamas off, diaper off!’ or ‘I need some water’, or if he is really desperate not to go to sleep he’ll try to trick us into thinking it is morning by saying ‘breakfast time’ or ‘not dark out anymore’. You’ll have to do better than that, Caleb!!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Spirit
This year we are taking Christmas by storm. It seems that once you have a child who is old enough to know who Santa Claus is, you need to fully embrace the holiday season and that is what we have done this year. I've been getting craft inspiration from Pinterest ( - visit this site if you haven't already) and whipping up Christmas decorations and gifts. Caleb has learned tons of Christmas songs at school so we are constantly singing carols, and several times a day he will call out 'Happy New Year', 'Merry Christmas' and his favourite by far - 'Happy Birthday' ! And I must say, it feels quite nice to be told it's your birthday every single day!