Saturday, February 25, 2012


Caleb's 'Hey Jude' video was a hit on facebook, so I had to put some additional footage together for my blog. He is a true Beatles fan and loves watching (and playing along) with them on youtube even more than he enjoys watching Calliou!


Anonymous said...

How cute.
As I watched him I notice he plays with the left hand when watching the computer and then with the right when playing for himself. Do you suppose he his focused on Paul. Interesting. As I write this I realize that the Beatles are playing in the background on Galaxie on the t.v.

Ashley said...

Good eyes, Maureen! We are still wondering if he will be left handed or right handed as he switches it up often! His school 'report card' said he prefers the right, so maybe he will be able play daddy's and grampie's instruments when he gets older!