Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Notable quotables!

Canoe concert!

 Here are a few of my favourite Calebisms from the last few months. Enjoy!

We had been admiring the lupins all spring and early summer -Cale even threw them in when we were rhyming one day - poopin' lupin - hard not to laugh or encourage that one! when one day in late July he was looking out the window when he suddenly shouted 'Mom! Come quick! The lupins are all gone!'. He had a horrified look on his face as if someone had come and stolen every lupin in sight. What followed was one of our first ever talks about life and death. He was ok with it, for flowers anyway, which was all we really covered. 

Having trouble sleeping one night, Cale ended up in my bed. He was squirming and half-crying and I couldn't fall back to sleep. It was 3:30 in the morning and I had had enough. I sternly told him, 'You have two choices - either lay still and fall asleep right now beside me, or go back to your own room and fall asleep by yourself.' This really upset him and he started to cry harder. Finally, through his tears he said, 'Mom, just tell me again, what are my options?'

Eating a snack one day he says 'Look mom, one bite of cheese, one drink of juice, one bite of cheese, one drink of juice - I made a pattern!'

Talking about an upcoming trip to a bluegrass festival he asks, 'Who made the rule that there are no drums in bluegrass?'

And my absolute favorite - we had been talking about the tooth ferry and one day while playing lego with Greg he says, 'Look, I made the tooth ferry!' and yes, it was a little boat and yes, all this time he had been imagining a ferry boat coming into his room to take away any teeth that would one day fall out!

Oh my little coastal boy!

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