Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tis the season

And I was expecting only a little picture of santa on his cheek!!
We have been in full-on Christmas mode for the past few weeks. The advent calendar has been a huge success and without fail, it's the first thing Cale asks for each morning. We've been making cookies, wrapping gifts, decorating cards and I must say that I don't know if I've ever felt quite so full of Christmas spirit! I guess that is the gift of having a 3 year old to celebrate with. 

Our neighbours were quite impressed to receive these delicious gifts!
 The only trick is that my 3 year old is almost too logical to be fooled by this whole Santa thing. I don't remember this from my childhood, but it seems that Santa is *everywhere* this year - at the Home Hardware for photos, at the parade, at the local craft fair and we even ran into him at the post office after the craft fair! We saw him this morning for Breakfast with Santa and he'll be coming to Caleb's daycare later this week. Phew, that is a lot of Santa sightings and Cale has started to ask tough questions like - does Santa go to every school in the world? Yes. Even in Jamaica, Mexico and Africa? Yes. Does he go to every craft fair in the whole world? Yes. Shouldn't he be in the North Pole helping the elves make toys? Yes. It's like I'm being interrogated by the police and I feel like I might just crack soon! Surely I can keep him believing until he is at least 5 years old!!

Last night's activity - gingerbread (aka graham cracker) houses!
Finished product. It actually turned out better than I had imagined, but I won't be entering this in any contests!!
Breakfast with Santa this morning. He is still only asking for a measuring tape!


Grandma Linda said...

You are making wonderful memories for a little boy Ashley. XO

Kathy said...

I remember mom telling us that the Real Santa had lots of helpers that would go different places because he was busy with the elves. So that might work :-) The girls were very excited to get Caleb's card, and Monica made him a special ornament that she will give him when he comes next week!! Glad you guys are enjoying the lead up!!