He's pretty cute, runny nose and all. |
Now that I'm in the depths of it, I'm beginning to remember all the craziness that comes with having a toddler on the loose in your household. This is the stage where I find myself on high alert and unfortunately, saying 'No!' a lot. I don't think that it is because I'm an overly-cautious parent, it's just that there is a very real threat of danger at all times when there is a mobile and fearless 14 month in your midst. There seems to be an ever present possibility of:
a.) falling - off of a chair, high chair, couch, bed, staircase...
b.) jamming fingers - into doors, dresser drawers, kitchen cupboards....
c.) licking something gross - a toy off the floor is the best you can hope for, a crumb in the corner, a tree branch, a shoe, a used spoon or a random toothbrush (yes, these have all happened) ... I don't fear him actually eating these items, but sneaking in a quick taste is pretty much a given.
Other indicators that you have a toddler include:
- a constantly runny nose
- picky eating (he now knows what a cracker is and will settle for nothing less)
- nighttime wake ups, and
- the uncanny ability to cling onto my leg at the exact moment when I need to take something hot out of the oven.
Thankfully, they make up for these slight deficiencies by managing to grow exponentially cuter everyday.
I think it will be much like having a kitten this Christmas. Tree ornaments are going to be hard to resist! |
Despite all of this, I know how short this period of dependence is in the grand scheme of life. All I need to do is just look at how grown up Caleb now is. He can now make his own breakfast, jump in the shower completely on his own, start up the computer and call someone on skype (sorry about that call during work, Adam!!) and play independently for hours. Yes, at times, these days are trying and exhausting - but they are precious all the same. I know Odin won't always want be held in my arms, or sit in my lap, or be in the same room as me, or notice the second that I'm gone. Because of this, my moments of frustration tend to be short and followed by moments of intense love and appreciation. Yes, it can be hard, but wow, it is also amazing.
Practicing piano in pyjamas |
Santa selfie! At least one of us looks happy! |
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Miss you all so much.
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