Saturday, March 26, 2016

March Madness

We've had a busy last few weeks and it's been absolutely splendid! My parents came to visit with Aly and Ava for a few days before taking Caleb back to Fredericton to spend his March Break. This was a big trip for him, and he was very, very excited and had a wonderful time on his own. Alan's folks then brought Caleb back over on the ferry at the end of the week, and Caleb's cousin Tanya came along for the adventure. So we have had a ton of family time and we all loved it, especially Odie! He woke up each morning wondering who would be downstairs for him to play with. He certainly missed Caleb on the days he was gone, but I really enjoyed having some alone time with my 'baby'. And now it we are resting up after all the fun and relaxing close to home over the Easter long weekend. Alan will even be home to join us tomorrow and we can finally all spend a day off together on Monday. Let's hear it for family time!

We took a day trip to Halifax and spent some time checking out the amazing new library! Aly and Cale shared a drink at the cafe on the top floor. Ava wasn't allowed to have a sip because she was car sick on the drive. Good times!
Odie. all alone for a week, passed much of his time playing his favourite game - guitar case car ramp. 
Baby's got the blues - Odin insisted on bringing the harmonica on his wagon trip to the grocery store. Missing big brother for sure!
Caleb loved having a 'little sister' for a few days. We introducedTanya to life in the Valley by taking her to meet our friend's newly hatched chicks!
Caleb dueting with a chick
Grammie cuddles!
Paw Patrol with Grampie! Odin could hardly stand the suspense!
Grampie John is always gifting great books to his grandkids. Odin was so happy to have another lap to read on. 
The boys got to see their dad preform with his band this weekend at at a Bluegrass Brunch in Berwick. They had their dancing shoes shined up and couldn't wait to hit the dance floor together. 

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