...until Caleb is officially a ONE year old! And what a year it has been. It seems like a lifetime ago when I was still pregnant and feeling sore, tired, nervous but mostly excited to finally meet this little person who had spent 9 months growing inside of me. We didn't know the baby's sex, hadn't decided on a name, and really had no idea what we were in for. Times have certainly changed! It's crazy how much Alan and I have learned this year, so many brand new words in our vocabulary like swaddling, expressing, sleep training...but it is truly amazing how much our little guy has learned. I remember people telling me how incredible the first year is, but you can't fully appreciate the magnitude of the changes until you've gone through it day by day... the first smile, first laugh, first bath in the big tub, first roll over, first tooth, first food, first crawl, first clap, first words, first steps, first time sitting in a salad bowl....what a truly wonderful experience it has been!
On the home front, Cale is finally over his bug. He found comfort during his sick days in a surprising new friend - our broom! He honestly didn't want to let it go for 2 days straight...it was like watching a tiny dog trying to run around with a huge stick. And although Cale is feeling better, Alan has been super sick over the past couple of days...and the broom doesn't seem to be helping. Hopefully, he is through the worst of it and will be back in top form for the weekend. We've got birthday parties and bluegrass brunches to look forward to. Can't wait to be home and celebrate with family and friends.

1 comment:
ok so I started to tear up a bit, then I was laughing really hard. Great pictures and great blog. Maaaaaaaayyyybe Alan isn't holding the broom right...or perhaps the mop can help? Thank you Ashley for keeping the blog updated so well. It has been so wonderful seeing caleb grow. Have super fun at the party!!
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