Our camera is broken and our Flip was stolen a few months ago, which is why the blogging has slowed a bit. Other than that, things have been going really well. I'm back to work, which hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think it would be much, much different if I had jumped back into working full time and Caleb had to start at a daycare, but with my part time hours and Alan able to watch Caleb when I'm at the office...things are feeling really good. I'm still not sure what the future will hold for me career-wise, but at least for the next few months things are looking great.
On the home front, Cale is getting closer to walking everyday. He has taken up to 10 steps a few different times, but is still more comfortable with the crawl. We aren't rushing him either. He is fast enough on the floor, I can hardly imagine him running! His other new trick is giving high fives, which we are definitely encouraging!
We are 7 nights into our new sleep routine. Our co-sleeping days are officially over. He is still waking 2-3 times during the night, but a little back rub quickly puts him back to sleep. We haven't resorted to the cry it out method, and it looks like we may not need to. I feel like with a bit more time, he'll finally be sleeping for 12 hour stretches. Alan usually takes the night shift and I take over when he wakes up, which has been between 5:30 and 6:00. This is taking a bit of getting used to since he used to sleep in until 8:30 when he was sleeping with us, but I guess those days are gone. Once we get his sleeping sorted out it will be time to think about weaning which will bring a whole new set of challenges but will bring him even closer to independence. Our little guy is certainly growing up!
Here is a photo of Cale with his new friend, who we are calling Teddy. We've been waiting for him to form an attachment to either a blanket or a teddy bear and it looks like he may have finally chosen a special friend. Unfortunately, it is about 10 times larger than any other stuffed animal he has, but it is really sweet to see him cuddle up with his bear. He still isn't much of a cuddler with us, but I now know he has it in him and I'm sure the hugs will start coming our way soon.

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