Cale almost made it entirely through his first year without getting sick, minus a couple of minor colds, but that all changed yesterday. He was struck down with his first ever stomach bug. The poor little guy had no appetite all day, had diarrhea and when I tried to put him to bed had his first ever vomit...all over mama. It was much more scary for me than gross, which must mean that I am truly embracing motherhood.
I instantly hit the internet to find out what could be going on. His symptoms pointed to the flu, although he had no fever and was still in a surprisingly good mood. I decided to play it safe and call 811, the Nova Scotia telecare line that has nurses available 24 hours a day to assess illnesses. I had to wait an hour for them to return my call, during which time Cale fell asleep without any further issues. The nurse was great and reassured me that his symptoms were relatively minor and with lots of fluid and sleep he should be feeling better in a couple of days. I know there will be many more scares in the future, but I feel like the first is probably the worst. It's funny how we always say how big Caleb is, but when he gets sick he seems so incredibly small. On the up side, he has been full of hugs and cuddles for us today which is really nice. Thankfully he is healthy and strong and has been feeling much better today, so I think we are through the worst of it.
I instantly hit the internet to find out what could be going on. His symptoms pointed to the flu, although he had no fever and was still in a surprisingly good mood. I decided to play it safe and call 811, the Nova Scotia telecare line that has nurses available 24 hours a day to assess illnesses. I had to wait an hour for them to return my call, during which time Cale fell asleep without any further issues. The nurse was great and reassured me that his symptoms were relatively minor and with lots of fluid and sleep he should be feeling better in a couple of days. I know there will be many more scares in the future, but I feel like the first is probably the worst. It's funny how we always say how big Caleb is, but when he gets sick he seems so incredibly small. On the up side, he has been full of hugs and cuddles for us today which is really nice. Thankfully he is healthy and strong and has been feeling much better today, so I think we are through the worst of it.
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