Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Home

I'm sneaking in a quick blog post while I have internet access at work. We are quickly settling in to our new place and should be back online next week. Caleb loooves our new space. He wakes up in the morning saying 'new house' and goes to sleep saying 'Elwynn' (his new 22 month old upstairs neighbour). He is especially excited about the blue jays that have started arriving at our feeder, his sand box and the fact that he can access the food in our open cupboards. Alan and I are less excited about the latter, but we are really enjoying the new space as well. More updates to come next week.

Playhouse for the kids
Our ocean view (Purcells Cove)

7:30 am sandbox magic


Anonymous said...

wow! Very cool looking place, AND a play house? super cool.

Dr. Jillian Murphy said...

Wow Ash! This place looks amazing....sorry I'm behind a bit! Just catching up on your blog:)