Friday, November 11, 2011

Early mornings

First school photo!

I seem to remember a time when setting the clocks back in the Fall meant an extra hour of sleep. These days it means that we've somehow lost an hour and have been waking up ridiculously early for the past couple of days. I'm talking in the 4 am hour. Today we made it until 5:30, which somehow seemed like a much more reasonable time to wake up. We got off to a good start when Caleb asked for a bowl of cereal and I said yes, he then patted me on the back and said 'good mom'! I laughed out loud and actually did feel like quite a good mom indeed!

Overall things are improving on the sleep front. He's adjusted to being in a bed instead of a crib and Alan's magic fingers are able to get him to sleep quite easily most nights. He still wakes up once in the night, but most times he'll fall back asleep after we pat him for a few minutes. Not all the time, but most of the time. We have also made progress on the weaning front. I've only nursed him 3 times this week. The first few days were a bit of a battle, but this morning he didn't make any indication of wanting to nurse, so I'm starting to have hope that he may actually be weaned before he is 7!!!

I discovered a great parenting tip this week. You can easily remove crayon markings on the wall with toothpaste! Who knew?!! I'm beginning to realize that for all the amazing, wonderful things a child learns, the parent is always learning something new, too.


Dr. Jillian Murphy said...

The cutest!

Kathy said...

We had the time change blues too! Monica woke up with a screech every morning at 5 am, and then would fall back asleep....but we couldn't! This morning there was no screeching, so hopefully that is over... thanks for the crayon tip!