Monday, April 4, 2011


Arts and crafts (photos by Greggy)

Tomorrow Caleb will begin his first day of daycare. We are still in the 'transition period', so he will only stay for the morning and then on Thursday he will stay for his afternoon nap. Next week, he will begin full days twice a week. I'm happy that we've found a great daycare and I know he is going to do great, but I can understand how beginning daycare is an emotional time for parents. This is the first time that he will be out in the world on his own without his mama or dada by his side. I know the teachers will fall in love with him and he will quickly adjust and make lots of new friends, but I guess it is the fact that he will be doing all this on this own that makes it a bit hard. He's becoming independent and tomorrow someone else will be there if he needs to be comforted or if he does something ridiculously cute, someone else will laugh and smile with him.... and I think I'm ok with that. I'm so proud of the little boy he is becoming and I know he will do great tomorrow, and hopefully, mama will do great, too!

I'm ready to take on the world


Grandma Linda said...

Can't wait to hear about it Ash. Wish we were there to help more, although I know he'd just want "Greggie" anyway!

Amie said...

Good luck, Ashley- he's going to LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! I almost have some tears going here and also realized that I don't know if I will be able to let!

Ashley said...

Update - He did fantastic this morning. He loved the group activities and I'm proud to say that there were no tears from him or from mama!

John Booker said...

Nice that Caleb is getting a taste of the real world!

Soon I bet he'll be like Colleen's kids. They often don't want to go home when their parents arrive! Daycare is too much fun.

Joshua said...

I hope you guys both had a good week! Sometimes I wish I could go to day care too, just for the nap and finger painting mostly.