Thursday, May 3, 2012

Packed bags and paintings

We got a canoe (thanks, Greggy)! Our summer fun factor has just gone up significantly!

This is a long overdue update. Things have been busy around here the past couple of weeks, but I'm excited to say that I'm heading off this afternoon for a week long vacation. Well, it is actually for a workshop and several meetings, but the fact that I'm heading to TOBAGO sure makes it feel like a vacation. A week on my own. It will feel very strange without my little barnacle attached to my side and I know I'll be more than ready to come home at the end of the week, but days of sunshine, beaches and uninterrupted sleep sound pretty amazing right now! I'm also excited for Alan to have Caleb for a week. It will be really nice for them to have some one on one time. Male bonding.

I'm amazed by this picture Cale painted of Alan. You can actually make out eyes, a nose, a smile and lots of hair. If you really try you can also see a bit of a beard! I'm one of those crazy proud parents, I know, but seems like a big accomplishment to me! 
In toddler world, we've entered the 'no' stage. I've heard about this stage, but being in the midst of it is more trying than I would have imagined. Cale basically says no to or counters everything we say right now. "Let's go this way." "No, let's go that way." "Would you like some cheese?" "No" he takes a bite.
I know it is normal for Cale to be asserting his independence, but I really hope this stage passes soon. I try to be patient and offer lots of choices - would you like cheese or an apple - and to explain why I'd like him to do something, but I find myself saying no, don't and just getting a bit frustrated more often than I used to. Again, it seems like the perfect time to getaway and let Dad deal with it for a week and who knows, maybe he'll be on to a new phase when I return!

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