Friday, October 14, 2011

Cake budha

Caleb's watermelon

Over the past two weeks, Caleb has developed a new favourite word - MINE. He has started saying this to let everyone know that he owns everything he comes into contact with - socks - 'mine', fork - 'mine', couch - 'mine', car - 'mine'. Once in awhile he'll mix things up by saying 'Caleb's', but one way or another he is staking his claim. Apparently this is a normal, age appropriate behaviour. I usually respond by saying, 'This banana is mommy's, but I will share it with you.' I'm finding this stage more amusing than unsettling right now, especially since he still likes to share and he usually forgets what he has laid claim to as soon as it is out of his hand.

Fort- mine.

I finally figured out a mystery that has been boggling me for a couple of months. Caleb speaks very clearly, so when he started saying 'cake budha', I was not sure what he was trying to say. He would pull out the 'cake budha' once in awhile, but it didn't seem to make any sense until one day last week when we he was growing impatient in the backseat while I was driving. To distract him, I handed him a jar of coins and told him to shake them. He immediately started singing 'cake budha...cake budha' and it hit me - cake was shake and budha was booty. Oh yes, he has been saying 'shake your booty' all this time! Where did he learn this? I don't know. But I'm 99.9 percent sure that he's been shaking his booty all this time.

Cousin caterpillars. All photos were taken by Greggy during his Thanksgiving visit.

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