Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August nature notes

I woke up one morning this week and the perfect amount of mist was in the air to make every spider web around me stand out. It was really beautiful. One of the things I love most about maternity leave is having the time to get out the camera, take a walk and really enjoy mornings like these. Usually I'd be in a huge rush to get in the car and drive to work that I may not have even noticed.

I also found another species of orchid blooming in the bog this week. The slender ladies tresses orchid, which has many small flowers that spiral down the stem. I think they must just be coming into bloom because I've noticed lots of them popping up in the past few days. So pretty, and Caleb gets a kick out of being turned upside down in the carrier while I attempt to take pictures!

Slender ladies tresses orchid (Spiranthes)

I'm going to write a big sleep update in a few days. Alan and I have made some changes and are hoping to start seeing results. We are home until Sept 8th, when we come back to Freddy for some Petunia gigs and the Harvest J&B Festival, so I think we have time to make some real progress before then. For now I'll just say that Caleb is now sleeping in his crib at night and that we are trying to begin the stages of night weaning, in order to get him sleeping for longer periods. One other thing I'm really enjoying about maternity leave is that I've been able to connect with a few other new moms and we've been able to support each other a bit when it comes to things like sleep troubles and the high demands of breast feeding. It is nice to know I have people to call when I need a little pep talk. As I wrote to Amy and Lydia in an email today, parenting isn't all 'Brangelina' joy and happiness, but without a doubt it brings us both a new level of love and gratification that we didn't even know existed before Cale came along.

To end off, a nice picture of father and son playing in the grass.


kathy said...

We should not forget that 'Brangelina' have a large staff working for them! It's way too easy to hold them up as the standard for having it all and making it look easy! I will say that every good nap and every issue with bf'ing brings its own reward! Nothing like celebrating those little victories! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the spider web post! We have soooo many spider webs out front this year and keep them because Stella is enjoying it. The other night at 10pm a spider was coming to see what it caught that day, it was amazing - I had to wake Stella up so she could see it I have a million spider books in the house that Stella is currently enjoying as her 'bedtime stories' :) Can't wait for the sleep post....we are still trying to make progress but the lack of sleep is catching up with me!

Dr. Jillian Murphy said...

Oh i wish I was going to be in Frederidton for Harvest J&B! So jealous...
As far as the whole parenting things goes.....I completely agree. In the past two years I've found that Jamie and I are capable of more patience, empathy, humour, love and compassion then I ever thought possible. And yet, we're in the "twos" and last week I ended (at least!) three days crying, screaming (in my head) "WTF! WTF! How am I ever going to do THIS!?".

Despite it all, being pregnant with number two is exciting and amazing because for all the tough moments that are so easy to write about and complain about, there are a million magical moments every day that I could never put into words....

Happy Parenting!

Ashley said...

See what I mean? I'm surrounded by wise women who know just the right thing to say! Thanks everyone!